According to World Vision latest Impact Report, the charity has supported over 1.5 million people whose lives were devastated by the Ebola virus. The outbreak of the virus was thought to have taken place in Sierra Leone which is why World Vision chose the country to serve as the cornerstone of its emergency response to the disease last year. World Vision played an important role in getting rid of one of the most dangerous viruses known to mankind from the country. The charity distributed more than five million face masks as well as a range of other protective items. Burial workers were also trained on how to dispose of tens of thousands of bodies safely.
Donors funding good work
In 2015 World Vision’s 98,00 child sponsors in the United Kingdom helped to provide funds for 317 child protection, humanitarian, education and health projects spread across 38 different countries. Through the support of World Vision donors, the charity was able to offer education, health, food and other services to more than four million children living in some of the world’s hardest places.
Tim Pilkington, Chief Executive of World Vision UK, says: “The Ebola crisis is a prominent example of the real impact we have in the world. Every year we transform the lives of millions of children across the globe. Our report shows how we make a true and lasting difference. The task ahead is huge but our quest to help children in the world’s toughest countries is unwavering.”
The impact on children is greatest
The report took a close look at 22 detailed evaluations of World Vision community programmes and also sought to review the charity’s advocacy and policy work. The report clearly demonstrated that World Vision has increased its impact with a 15 per cent increase in the number of children learning to read and write, as well as 15 per cent more kids being immunised and a 29 per cent increase in the number of births being attended by skilled assistants. With statistics like that it’s not hard to understand why Wold Vision is one of the most respected charities on the planet.