UNCIEF UK Palestinian Aid Appeal

UNICEF UK is calling for aid to Palestinian children who are urgently in need of clean water, essential medical supplies and vaccines. The current conflict in Gaza has deepened the humanitarian crisis, with the continued bombing leaving hospitals with power cuts and extreme damage challenging doctors as they try to treat the sick and wounded.

In Gaza City the conflict has cut off the water supply to more than half of the population.

UNICEF has a permanent presence in Gaza and the West Bank and in response to the current conflict have been providing first aid kits and other supplies, but they urgently need your support to help more children.

Help UNICEF UK today

Every hour, more than 1,100 children under the age of five die. That’s 26,400 children every day. Most of these deaths can be easily prevented. UNICEF saves many children’s lives through vaccination campaigns and by providing food and clean water. You can help fund their life-saving work via a regular donations.

A regular donation of just £5 a month could help save the lives of three children every week. Or a £40 donation would provide 3 medical kits to saves the lives of children in war torn Palestine.