Huge Charity Success With Twitter ‘#charitytuesday’

Those of you who use the micro blogging internet service, Twitter, may have noticed that ‘#charitytuesday’ has now appeared. Organised by the voluntary organisation Lovebox, ‘#charitytuesday’ has been set up to highlight a different charity every month. People are then asked to ‘wear’ a virtual badge and contribute to a conversation rather than cash, for the day.

‘#charitytuesday’ is currently promoting WWF UK as their promotion of the month, with many charities using the day to talk to their supporters, and to raise awareness of up and coming projects. This is a great way to target potential supporters instead of stopping them on the street, as charities can
simply post information for followers to access in their own time.

The tag sign (#) that is added at the start, is a way Twitter users can organise their content in a more manageable fashion. It is now 5 weeks since the launch of #charitytuesday, and has now become a stable trend on the site.

One of the founders of Lovebox, Darshan Sanghrajka, said –

We tried it, and it worked within two hours. Not only did supporters start backing Lovebox’s chosen charity, Cancer Research UK, by ‘wearing’ a virtual badge, but they also began talking far more widely about charity issues.

So it looks like you can do more on Twitter than find out about Lily Allen’s dinner and Jonathan Ross’ toilet habits!