WSPA is asking for your help in their campaign ‘Collars Not Cruelty’. This is to help protect the world’s dogs who are being culled in a misguided effort to stop rabies. Millions of dogs across the globe are needlessly being culled due to fear, not facts.
The Collars Not Cruelty campaign has been set up for over a year now to offer a kinder and more effective response to rabies than the unnecessary deaths of so many dogs. By encouraging more governments to carry out mass dog vaccinations, WSPA want to prove that this method is proven to work. By vaccinating just 70% of a local dog population against rabies, it is possible to creates almost total immunity to both animals and people without needless suffering or death.
WSPA Chief Executive, Mike Baker, said –
Whilst we waste time culling millions of dogs because of our fear of rabies, thousands of people are dying horrific and painful deaths from this deadly disease. We are pleased to see the successes to date, where mass dog vaccination programmes have been introduced, but our vision is to have a world where no dog is needlessly killed in response to rabies. We want to see all countries with rabies running mass vaccination programmes until this deadly disease is stamped out.
WSPA has many different campaigns in place to support their Collars Not Cruelty campaign, including –
- A new partnership with the government of Bangladesh
- Running pilot schemes in Africa for 2013
Rabies kills up to 55,000 people every year, but responding with mass dog culls is not the answer. These poor animals are poisoned, beaten then gassed, which does nothing to stop the spread of the disease. The world desperately needs more effective action through mass vaccination, not slaughter.
If you would like to learn more about the work of the WSPA, why not check out our dedicated charity page that is full of interesting facts and also how you can help save animals across the globe.