Channel Crossing Attempt in Plastic Bottle Boat for Mental Health Foundation

Two New Zealand carpenters based in London will be paddling across the English Channel in a vessel made from recycled rubbish tommorrow to help raise money for the Mental Health Foundation. The good ship ‘Boatle’, made from 500 plastic bottles, expanding foam and wooden sets, will be setting sail on it’s maiden voyage with the guys hoping to raise up to £1000 for the health charity. The journey, which could take up to ten hours across one of the world’s busiest shipping channels, will be no mean feat and will take a good helping of blood, sweat and tears.

> > Click here to sponsor ‘Boatle’ voyage

The Mental Health Foundation’s Fundraising Director, Celia Richardson, said –

Marcel and Cameron are the most innovative fundraisers we’ve met and our fingers are crossed that they’re going to make it across the water.

The London based pair will be saying bon voyage to the UK on Wednesday 2nd September 2009 after vigorous water trials in the canals of London and many modifications to ensure that the boat can float with two men sitting in it. Final preparations were held just off Brighton Beach, and now is the time to see if the contraption will make it all the way across the Channel.

Marcel said –

We chose the Mental Health Foundation because it stood out as a really good charity and mental health is something that everyone canrelate to at some time. We decided to cross the Channel, because it’s one of those crazy things that we can look back on and have a giggle about when we’re old. I’ve actually only got one shot at this too, as I’m leaving the UK to go back to New Zealand just after the challenge.

The Mental Health Foundation helps people to survive and recover from mental health problems. By using knowledge to help raise awareness and tackle the stigma attached to mental illness, the Mental Health Foundation help millions of people every year.

> > Click here to make a donation to The Mental Health Foundation