Vinspired Awards

Vinspired has set up an awards ceremony to recognise exceptional volunteer work by individuals, who have made a big difference to other people and the environment they live in. The 10 national awards will he handed out to outstanding individuals across the UK who have achieved over 100 hours volunteer work within their community.

Vinspired National Winners will –

  • receive an award at a celebration event on November 26th 2009 at Indigo in the O2 Arena
  • have their achievements showcased at the event
  • get recognised in regional and national press
  • inspire others by having their achievements showcased

Anyone who has made a real difference in their community through volunteer work in England since 1st June 2008 aged between 16-25 can be nominated. These awards are in recognition of all the unsung work young volunteers in the UK are doing to help change their environment for the better.

> > Click here for more information on the Vinspired Awards