NSPCC Concern at the Triple Number of Suicide Calls

The NSPCC charity has reported a huge upsurge in the number of suicidal children who have called ChildLine for councilling in the last 5 years. Last year alone saw nearly 3,000 children phone in about contemplating suicide, with the number calling in every week tripling in the last five years to an average of nearly 60.

 Since ChildLine joined with the NSPCC in 2006, the helpline has been expanded, but are still unable to answer one in three calls.

Head of ChildLine, Sue Minto says:

It is heartbreaking to listen to children talk of wanting to consider suicide. For a suicidal child, ChildLine can literally be a lifeline. Our counsellors are trained to deal with suicide calls so they can assess the danger and how best to help. Children need ChildLine more than ever. We desperately need public support to help save young lives and be there for more children.

In response, the NSPCC is urgently calling on the public to donate to its Child’s Voice Appeal to help raise an extra £50 million in addition to £30 million already pledged by the UK Government.

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