World Vision UK Plea for the Continued Support of Congo

World Vision UK are still concerned at the number of young children dying from disease as a direct result of the war in parts of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Hospitals have seen an influx of young patients since the fighting intensified; many of the patients are displaced and suffering from preventable diseases.

One hospital in Goma reported that 30 children under the age of five died from respiratory distress since November, a dramatic increase from the three deaths reported in September from the same preventable cause. Another health centre in Goma has admitted close to 60 cases of acute respiratory distress in the past week; all were children under five years old.

Dr Louis Kamate, of the Virunga Referral Hospital, said –

‘These deaths are a direct result of children living in poor conditions in camps. The rain goes straight through the banana leaf huts and makes children extremely vulnerable to disease. Since October 29, the numbers arriving at the hospital have gone through the roof. Displaced people are arriving in Goma and coming straight here. People are sleeping on mattresses on the floor as there are not enough beds. Before World Vision brought the medical supplies, our pharmacy was almost empty. We can’t afford to buy more. Displaced people are getting free care, but we can’t continue without support’

World Vision UK is planning on supporting two health centres to enable them to provide free care to war-affected people for one month or more, but desperately need your donations to fund the medicine, vaccines and blankets required to help the people of Congo.