Oxfam Call for Support in Zimbabwe Cholera Outbreak

Oxfam UK is concerned about the cholera outbreak currently sweeping Zimbabwe, which has already claimed more than 780 lives.

There are chronic food shortages in the country, and public healthcare provisions in the country are now close to total collapse. Hospitals are dangerously short of medicine and in many parts of the country people there is no longer clean water or refuse collection. These conditions are perfect for cholera to spread, and unless drastic action is taken more lives will be at risk.

£25 will pay for containers for safe water for up to eight families

The Oxfam UK priority is to increase the supply of clean water and sanitation facilities to towns and rural areas, to ensure that this easily preventable disease is contained. In a country already reeling from widespread food shortages and hyperinflation, hundreds of thousands of people are thought to be at risk from the current cholera epidemic.

Help Oxfam UK this Christmas with a Charity Gift

You can also help raise funds with Oxfam Unwrapped, where you can purchase virtual charity presents which make ideal and unusual gifts at Christmas time.

From as little as £6 you could provide 100 school dinners for children in Brazil, or for £95 you can purchase a camel for a village in the Sudan!

These fantastic gifts are a great way put something back into the world whilst also giving your friends and family a real conversation starter.

> > click here purchase an ‘Oxfam Unwrapped’ present from Oxfam UK

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